Monday, June 17, 2013

~Lesson 8~

This is my dad (Scott) sprinting along Clearwater Beach in Florida. It was an awesome hot sunny day. We went here with friends to celebrate my mum's birthday!

This is my sister Shae jumping in the waves at Clearwater Beach also enjoying the nice weather.
 Watch out!!! Travis Harper was in an intense nerf fight with his brother Brad. They were having a blast running in and out of the playground equipment in Bayou Segnette State Park, just outside of busy New Orleans, LA
A beautiful grey heron was caught in flight just before driving down to catch a fish in Lake Conroe, Conroe, Texas. 
Bradley Harper enjoys jumping on his trampoline in his back yard on a nice clear blue sunny day in Brentwood Bay, BC
David Booth from the Vancouver Canucks warms up before the game vs the Anaheim Ducks.

 Capturing motion for me was something that was different every time I tried it because no jump/run /flip etc, was ever the same. I had a lot of fun during the assignment because I love doing sports and other activities that involve jumping/running etc, so I had the chance to capture the moments that I am usually involved in. By trial and era I figured out that by standing low and facing the camera up at the object it tended to make the jump/flip look better and higher because it was taken at a viewpoint different from the regular “straight on” shot. I also found that when I am taking a picture of a fast moving object it worked a lot better when I put the camera on “continuous mode” so it took a few that I could chose from instead of just working with one or having to keep trying over and over. I like taking movement pictures with somewhat of a plain background so when people look at it they focus on the main object, not the clutter in the back. I had a fun time experimenting with movement and trying different ways to make the pictures turn out differently from regular action shots. 

Isaiah 40:28-31
Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one an fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Photography Quiz

What is you view finder?
The view finder on a camera is a device that is used for focusing the picture. It also shows the field of view of the lens.

What type of film would use use on a sunny day?
For a sunny day I would use somewhere between a 100 and a 200 ISO because the sun would cause a bright condition and I would need a slower speed.

Explain rule of thirds?
The rule of thirds is based on the theory that the human eye naturally makes its way to a point about two thirds up a page split 3 ways vertically and 3 ways horizontally.

What is framing?
Framing is when something in the foreground leads you into the picture. It could be looked at as a small picture frame being placed on top of a bigger picture capturing the most important part of the picture.

Give an example of using diagonals in a photograph?
An example of using a diagonal can be a road, fence, bridge or train tracks.

Name three elements of composition that are not listed on this quiz?

  1. Viewpoint
  2. Simplicity
  3. Balance

Film Speed is also called ISO. What does ISO stand for?
ISO stands for: International Standards Organization

When would you use film speed or ISO 100?
You mights use film speed ISO 100 when you are shooting in brightly lit condition so the film speed is slower.


Is ISO 100 fast or slow film speed?
ISO 100 is a slow film speed.  

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lesson 5

This is my brother enjoying a ride around the campground on our electric scooter.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Lesson 4

 This is the original first Bank of Montreal. It sits in the centre of historic downtown Montreal parallel to the famous Notre Dame Cathedral. As you can see the size of these pillars in front of the bank have a huge size difference compared with the door – which itself is big too. This was taken on a chilly afternoon in early October.
 This memorial in Queenston, Ontario honors the great Canadian Sir Isaac Brock. Brock was given the role of Major General during the war of 1812. His role was important because he became responsible for defending Upper Canada against the United States. Sir Issac Brock was a very important man to Canada so “Parks Canada” made a special monument for him. This monument was rebuilt in 1853 because the original one was bombed by a terrorist in 1840. This monument is huge - It stands over 185 feet tall! It is so big that you have to stand quite far back to see the whole thing. 
 There's nothing like a nice big juicy apple! That's what eight year old Bradley Harper is holding here. This apple is almost as big as both of his hands. While we were staying in Illinois we found this huge apple tree that had an abundance of fruit on it.  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lesson 3

 This quaint rose was found along a small harbour in Columbus, Ohio. It was a quiet Labor Day, the streets were bare and nobody was around. It was nestled in rich soil with a full scenic view of the Scioto River behind it. The replica of the “Santa Maria” was just in front of it. The Santa Maria was the largest of the three ships Christopher Columbus used on his voyage.

Many people visit Quebec in the fall to experience the majestic beauty and colours that surround you everywhere you go. The leaves can range from a bright green to a magnificent auburn. This unique leaf looks as if it has almost finished changing it's colour.  

The Big Leap”

Ten year old Travis Harper takes a big leap while practising his long jump skills on Parlee Beach in Shediac, New Brunswick. On October 1st, 2012 Travis Harper made his way with his family and grandparents down to Parlee Beach to enjoy the beautiful weather and amazing view of the Atlantic Ocean. It looks like he may have jumped a new record!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Lesson 2

#1 - Point of Interest
#2 - Direction of Movement 
#3 - Diagonals 
#4 - Simplicity 
#5 - Viewpoint

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lesson 1

My sister Shae posing in the midst of summer.
A pretty pink sweet pea plant in our garden.
A unique spider web.
A, what I call "helicopter leaf"
A beautiful rose along the harbour in Ohio.